Monday, February 20, 2012

The three main projects

Children's Hope is running three main projects at the moment.

Volunteers Village: 

Volunteers Village is one of the main projects of Children's Hope. 
Main activities are taking place at the Volunteers Village:

  • English classes for both children and adults
  • Surfing at the beach which is adjacent to the Volunteer Village
  • Cooking classes
  • Sewing classes
  • ICT-courses
  • Taekwando lessons
  • Badminton
  • Cricket
  • Table Tennis
  • Parenting skills seminars
  • Handicrafts and jewellery
  • Wedding venue hire
  • Fried rice selling
  • Catering service

The Volunteer Village house is a colonial manor, which used to be a hotel until it was taken over by Children's Hope and founded in December 2010. 

 The View from our room...

    The Kitchen

 The beach across the street!

The roof terrace 

Dining area


                                              The back garden of the villa

Next to the main villa, there is also a small house were the English classes are taking place.

In the garden the Taekwando lessons are held. There is also a vegetable garden, which provides not only fresh vegetables for the kitchen, but also for selling, which contributes to the income of the project. 

Neth Savan Sarana Hostel:

The Neth Savan Sarana Hostel is a hostel for blind and deaf, but also for special needs children. 

In the past it had become very run down and there were two children sharing a bed and only dirty outdoor showers and toilet facilities. A new two story hostel was built by Children's Hope in 2006, to house 30 boys, and 30 girls, with indoor showers and toilet facilities, new beds and bedding, complete with 2 under-bed storage drawers. Also a new dining room, kitchen and outdoor activity room were built along with the refurbishment of the library and office.

Children's Hope pay the salaries for the warden and two assistant wardens plus the monthly electricity bill and offer food for the children. Donations from volunteers provide clothing and slippers, handicraft materials and games.

An educational program helps blind children use white walking sticks, learn Braille language (a system of writing and printing for blind and visually impaired children), recognize everyday objects and learn English. Those with hearing problems are taught sign language, English and are given opportunities to use the small library and many games and handicrafts in the outdoor activities area. All children take part in group outings during the year, for example the Temple, Zoo or cinema. 

Children Wards at the Karapitiya Hospital:

Children's Hope redesigned and repainted Ward No 2 and the premature baby unit at Karapitiya Hospital near Galle. They have also funded, repainted and equipped an activity room for children, tidied the garden, repainted and repaired the playground equipment. Clip boards, bed toppers construction and painting of secure store room for drugs and dining room, construction, furnishing and painting of a parents rest room and isolation room were successfully completed. 
Only 50 % of Ward No 36 has now been painted, but the remainder of this work is awaiting new funding along with further construction in Ward No 36 and the purchase of desperately needed new equipment and facilities for both wards. 

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