Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sports festival at the Neth Savan Sarana School

Today at the sport festival:

                                                  The two teams

The fans :) 

The Volleyball game

For the blind children they invent many games, to give them the opportunity to participate...
The picture above shows a game where the blind kids have to follow a sound (percussions)  in order to  reach the finishing line. 

In this game the blind children have to race against each other. Hard to spot in this picture, is the green cord, which leads the kids through the race. This game has the purpose to support the children and to further their ability in running.   

Here is a game EVERYONE can play! 

Together most of the children performed a dance...
and so did the blind children.

At the presentation of awards we had the privilege, to hand over the certificates.  

The final parade

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